Which Products To Use For Classic Lashes | London Lash Blog



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  • March 04, 2022 3 min read

    What Are The Best Products To Use For Classic Eyelash Extensions?

    If you’re new to the eyelash extensions industry, or just new to London Lash, you may have some questions about the best products for Classic eyelash extensions. Have no fear! We too, were new to lashes once upon a time, so we’ve put together a list of favourite products for Classic lash extensions!

    Close-up of classic lash extensions

    Lash Glue

    This is a little bit of a trickier subject than the rest, as there’s no single answer to the question ‘what’s the best eyelash extensions glue for beginners’. Generally speaking, when you’re first starting out, you’ll need a lash glue with a bit more of a gradual drying time. This will give you a chance to place an eyelash extension and correct it if it begins to lean. 

    Opt for an eyelash glue like Satin Bond, which has a 2 second drying time, and a slightly thicker consistency to help you pick up the right amount of lash glue too. 

    If you’re after something a little bit faster, then go for a lash glue like Lady Bond, which has a thinner consistency and a 1-2 second drying time. 

    We also have sample-sized lash glue bottles if you’d like to try both out to see which suits you best!

    lady bond eyelash extensions glue

    Eyelash Extensions

    Of course, this will always depend on what kind of lash look you’re going for, but this is a list of our favourite Classic lash extension kit staples, after all!

    0.12 C and CC Mayfair in mixed lengths. 

    0.15 C and CC Chelsea in mixed lengths. 

    These will give you some gorgeous mascara effect Classic lashes that are enough to turn heads without being too heavy or intrusive. By all means, expand your lash extension collection however you see fit, and try out different curls and finishes to see which you love the most! 

    Lash Extensions Pretreatment

    Our favourite BY FAR, is the 5 step eyelash extension pretreatment method - it’s tried and tested, and works like a dream where your lash extension retention is concerned. To make it easier than ever for you, we’ve even put it into a bundle

    If you’re on a tighter budget, no problem - check out this blog post which explains 3 different pretreatment routines, which vary from one step to five steps. 

    Foaming Lash Shampoo to clean eyelash extensions
    Eyelash Tweezers

    Much like eyelash extension glue, there's not really a one-size-fits-all answer to this as it comes down to personal preference. However, the lash tweezers we would recommend you use for Classic lash extensions are Curved Isolation Tweezers for isolation, and Multifunctional Tweezers for picking up the extensions. We love the angles of each one, and find that these angles mean your wrists are more comfortable during the treatment. With that said, there are loads of different shapes available, so see which eyelash tweezers are best for you! 

    Extra Lash Supplies

    These are some of the extra products that we recommend you can purchase,  and will definitely make a difference to your treatment overall. 

    - Glue Shakers will save you time during your treatment and shake your glue to perfection, meaning that you won't have issues with retention due to your glue not being properly mixed.

    - Glue Stones & Stickers will make clean up much easier after treatments, and are better for you and your client than a glue ring because they reduce your exposure to the lash glue's fumes.

    - Eyepatches are more comfortable for your clients than tape alone, and provide the perfect surface for you to draw your lash maps.


    If you’re still a little unsure, we do have kits for Classic lashes that you might be interested in while you get a better idea of what you love the most!