Why You Should ALWAYS Have A Trial Before Wedding Lashes

We know. Clients have to have trials for EVERYTHING before your wedding, food, dresses, makeup, hair - surely lash extensions are overkill? Well, that may be the case, but consider this - a wedding day is just one day that clients are likely to be looking at photos of for the rest of their life so doesn't it make sense to be absolutely sure that the lashes they have on for their wedding day are the  best  lashes they've ever had? 

Here’s why you should always push your clients to have a lash trial, just like they would a hair and makeup trial, and just like they’d have multiple dress and/or suit fittings.

Bride Wearing Eyelash Extensions

Lash Trial

If someone comes to you asking to do their wedding lashes, it’s so important that you get it right, and that might mean doing the lashes a couple of times to really be sure that they’re the right length, they’re full enough, they have the right top line - anything and everything you would normally consider about a lash set should be considered even more thoroughly than before.

Make sure you have the trial at least two weeks if not a month before the wedding. Why? In case of an allergic reaction.  ‘But my client’s been having lashes for years! They won’t react!’  Sure, they’ve never had a reaction before so what better time to have puffy painful eyes than the morning of their wedding? Don’t risk it. Allergic reactions are more likely to happen to clients who’ve been having lash extensions for a long time, as an allergy to lash adhesive is an accumulative one, meaning it builds up over time.

Get them in two weeks before the wedding and book them an infill four days before - this way you can ensure the set is exactly what they want, and you can ensure a full look with everything being well, and you have time for a removal if an allergic reaction should strike.


Make sure they look exactly how they want them to  and how you practised them - will they be wearing lots of makeup? Will their makeup be very simple and natural? It’s really important that you really get this right for them, hence a trial - if you get to the end of a trial set and they don’t adore the style, length or volume, you can take their feedback on board and make the changes they’d like at their infill appointment to ensure that they feel flawless on the day.

It helps to manage their expectations - who hasn’t, at some point or another, said:  ‘I want super thick, dark dense lashes!’  I know I have! But then what if their lashes are very fine and can’t support big fans? What if they don’t have many lashes at all? A trial just means that you can test different extensions which may suit weaker eyelashes like Flat Lashes and see exactly what you’re up against. Or in the worst case, advise against a certain style or look which may not suit their natural eye shape or makeup on the day.

Wedding Photo of Bride Wearing Lash Extensions

All in all, when it comes down to it a wedding lash set should feel super special - by going the extra mile and showing your client that you truly care about the way they feel can only be a positive.