It's Time to Stop Blaming Your Glue | London Lash Blog



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  • April 05, 2021 4 min read

    Why Your Eyelash Glue Is Not To Blame

    It can be said that this is somewhat of a controversial topic, and trust us - we get it! The truth is that it's always very easy to assume it's our tools and lash supplies which are wrong or ineffective, especially when we've used them time and again and they've been fine - so what's different now? This blog post is here to highlight some easy to make mistakes which as seasoned Lash Techs can be overlooked when getting into the swing of a routine.

    Did You Choose The Correct Glue?

    When buying Glue for eyelash extensions plenty of Lash Artists want the ‘strongest glue’ or 'the fastest lash glue' but that does not always mean it's the best eyelash glue for you. The strongest generally means the fastest drying, so here is where the trouble lies. If you are placing a volume lash fan or a single lash extension and this usually takes you 2 seconds from dipping to application, but you’re using a glue that dries in 0.5-1 second, then this glue will simply not work for you! It will dry out prematurely before you've even placed the lash extension leading to poor retention.

    To begin with, we always recommend choosing a glue that dries slower. Don’t worry! It will still do its job perfectly well, it’ll just suit you and your level of experience much better. In short, put to bed the idea that faster = better when it comes to glue for eyelash extensions - you can still get perfect retention with slower-drying glue! Check out our Glue Chart for more information on drying times for glues.

    Flexie Eyelash Extension Glue from London Lash Pro

    You Need to Know and Control Your Lash Room Conditions

    We hear all too often that your lash glue was working before and now all of a sudden it doesn't. If your eyelash adhesive is still in date and not expired, then this means that something else has changed and trust us when we say it's not the glue.

    What is the humidity in your working environment? What is the temperature? Do you know what the perfect conditions for the lash glue you’re using are? If you don’t, do not hesitate to ask your supplier, we’re sure they will be more than happy to help, and as before, reference our Glue Chart for this information! In the majority of cases, it's even included on the packaging itself, so just double check this. 

    We'd highly recommend getting yourself a Digital Hygrometer if you don't have one already, as these are designed specifically to help you keep track of any fluctuations in your conditions, especially humidity. You might think you have the best lash glue in the world, but if your room conditions aren't a good fit for it, you'll have no end of issues!

    London Lash Pro Digital Hygrometer

    Do You Store Your Glue Correctly?

    You should not be surprised that your glue becomes gloopy and your nozzle gets clogged up if you are not taking good care of it. But how do you take good care of your lash glue?

    When shaking, remove the lid and cover the nozzle with a lint free Glue Nozzle Wipe to prevent glue getting into the lid. Alternatively, you can use a Glue Shaker to mix your glue quicker. This tool also prevents the glue from getting into the nozzle and lid as it shakes the glue by spinning the bottle, so the contents are forced outwards, rather than upwards. 

    Clean your nozzle with a wipe every time you dispense glue and put the lid back on nice and tight, assuring no air and moisture can get to the glue. 

    Don't squeeze the glue out, let gravity do the work. This will prevent too much air from being sucked back into the bottle and causing it to burp. Burping refers to when the air that's been sucked into the nozzle during dispensing is forced back out of the nozzle, taking some glue with it. If the lid is off, this is easy to clean, but if the lid is on, the glue will cure and bond the lid to the nozzle, meaning that either you'll not be able to get the bottle back open, or you'll not be able to screw the lid back on properly. 

    Burp the bottle. It's absolutely normal for some air to come into the nozzle even if you don't squeeze, so it's super helpful to give the bottle a little tap on the bottom to help with this process - before replacing the lid, give the bottle a little tap on your trolley, then wipe away any glue with your lint free nozzle wipe, and replace the lid securely. 

    Burping of Glue Bottle

    Store your glue upright in a cool, dry place away from sources of heat and direct sunlight. An Air Tight Container is best, and a layer of dry rice will help to keep your bottle upright, and keep away any rogue moisture.

    Are You Using the Correct Amount of Glue? 

    Some glues for eyelash extensions are more runny in consistency than others so you will have to pick up more of it on the lash extension than if you are working with a glue that has a thicker consistency. You’ll grow to understand this much more as you continue to work with your glues. Ideally, you're looking for a little bulb of glue that is able to wrap around the extension and the natural lash, but that isn't so big it causes stickies.

    Correct Lash Extension into Glue Dipping Technique

    Finally, do you know your eyelash glue as well as you should? For more information and further education into eyelash glues, check out our comprehensive Ultimate Guide to Eyelash Extension Glues eBook. You will definitely have to know everything about your glue if you want this professional relationship to last! Quit looking for the fastest lash glue on the market and start looking for the glue that's best for you - we promise your clients' will have better retention than ever before.