Booking your London Lash Pro training course - FAQs

If you're reading this, you're probably considering diving into the world of lash and brow training - an exciting and rewarding field. We know that the process of booking onto lash or brow training courses can sometimes feel a bit overwhelming. There's so much to know, and you're probably bursting with questions. That's why we've put together this handy guide, answering all the frequently asked questions about booking onto lash training courses. From how to select the right course for you, what certificate you will receive, to how these courses can bolster your career, we've got you covered. So sit back, relax, and let's demystify the process together.


Frequently asked questions:

Why is there 3 months required between receiving a Classic certificate and being able to do the Russian Volume course?

It is a legal requirement from the accreditation provider to allow thorough training.


Can I do Russian Volume training if I trained in classic lashes many years ago? 

Yes, as long as the Classic course was an accredited training course.


Can I attend the classic training if I live abroad and can't come back to do my exam? 

Yes, rather than you returning for your exam after 3 case studies. You can complete 10 or more case studies to receive your certificate.


Can I train in both Classic and Volume techniques together in one day? 

Unfortunately not due to the accreditation requirements for each course. 


Can I bring my model with me at the start of the day? 

Unfortunately not, they need to arrive at 2.30pm.


Will I get my certificate on the day of the course? 

No for Classic (completing case studies is compulsory) and Yes for Volume, Lash Filler, Brow Bomber and So Henna courses


How long is each course? 

One full day - 9.30am until 6pm


Can I get a discount if I purchase a few courses? 

Unfortunately not but we do have the courses on sale at various times throughout the year. You will receive VIP discount codes on the day of the course for use on products.


Can I complete the training without a model? 

Unfortunately not as we need to see you perform the treatment on a live model to pass. 


How long will it take for me to complete all the case studies, pass the exam and receive a certificate for  the Classic course? 

Anything between 1 week - 4 months, depending on the time it takes for you to complete case studies. 


Are all London Lash training courses accredited?

Yes, all full day London courses are accredited. Our VIP mentoring sessions are half day courses and this is an additional workshop to your original accredited course.


Do I need to have any brow qualifications to attend your So Henna or Brow Bomber courses?

No, you do not need to have any previous brow experience to attend these courses. Although if you have brow experience, this is an added bonus as these treatments are advanced brow techniques.


If you have any more questions regarding our training courses, please do not hesitate and contact our customer service team at or check out our help page.


Go and book your next training courses now!!


Did you know if you learn with London Lash that you can use Klarna or Clearpay to pay for your lash courses in instalments? And on the day of your lash course you can buy any London Lash products with a 30% discount, and receive a lifetime student discount of 10%!